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Glossary of Terms
Eggshell Finish - The finish of paper surface that resembles an eggshell achieved by omitting the calendar process. Reference, calendar rolls. Electronic Composition - The assembly of characters into words, lines and paragraphs of text or body matter with graphic elements in page layout form in digital format for reproduction by printing. Electronic Proof - A process of generating a prepress proof in which paper is electronically exposed to the color separation negatives; the paper is passed through the electrically charged pigmented toners, which adhere electrostatically, resulting in the finished proof. Elliptical Dot - Halftone screens in which the dots are actually elongated to produce improved middle tones. Em - A unit of measurement equaling 12 points or 4.5mm. Embossed - A method of paper finishing whereby a pattern is pressed into the paper when it is dry. Embossing - To raise in relief a design or letters already printed on card stock or heavy paper by an uninked block or die. In rubber and plastic plate making the process is usually done by heat. Emulsion - A light sensitive substance used as a coating for film; made from a silver halide compound. This side should face the lens when the film is exposed. Enamel - A term that describes a glossy coating on paper. Endsheet - Attaching the final sheet of a signature of a book to the binding. English Finish - A grade of uncoated book paper with a smooth uniform surface. Engraving - A printing process whereby images such as copy or art are etched onto a plate. When ink is applied, these etched areas act as small wells to hold the ink; paper is forced against this die and the ink is lifted out of the etched areas creating raised images on the paper. Estimate - The form used by the book printer to calculate the project for the print buyer. This form contains the basic parameters of the project including size, quantity, colors, bleeds, photos etc. Estimator - One who computes or approximates the cost of work to be done on which quotation may be based. Etch - The process of producing an image on a plate by the use of acid. Even Smalls - The use of smaller sized capitals at the beginning of a sentence without the use of larger sized caps. Expanded Type - Type with width greater than normal producing a rectangular effect. Exposure - That stage of the photographic process where the image is produced on the light sensitive coating. Extender - A white pigment added to a colored pigment to reduce its intensity and improve its working qualities.
How We Can Help...
Here's How...
Create Your Book...
- Understanding the process
- Book printing/binding
- Create proofs
- Shipping
- Fullfillment
- Cover Design & Typesetting
- Storage
- Submission preparation
- Size your cover,
- Currency converter
- Create your cover/text
- Prepare files (Dos & Don'ts)
- Creating your cover
- Determine the size
- Tell us how many
- What else should I do?
- Self publishers + authors
- Writers
- Book printer references
- Reviewers
- Editors
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